Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Role of Our Contract in Our Beginning

In my last posting I listed our contract of sexual submission. For us, this has proved a very useful guide. As I introduced the idea of M becoming my submissive, the contract provided a clear understanding of what I expected.

I had worked to create a contract that fit both of us. For M, I knew that she needed reassurance that I loved, respected and adored her, even as she became my sexual submissive. Further, the contract had to acknowledge the reality of our daily lives, working around the professional and family obligations that often distracted us from one another, while creating an intensity when we came together.

A key aspect of the contract was the specific call out of times for M to offer herself to me. This has become an important part of making our experience a success. These sessions have become a time of higher protocol and ritual. I believe they are critical in maintaining a delicious sexual intensity between us throughout our week.

The contract allowed me to make very clear how I wanted her to present herself to me. I absolutely adore M in stockings and heels. This is more than a bit of a fetish for me. I enjoy selecting exactly what she is to wear for me. Needless to say, I've taken full advantage of gaining pleasure through her attire.

As we began our experience, the contract was often called upon to help guide us. It has been very helpful in reinforcing my expectations.

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