Saturday, April 25, 2009

One of my first tasks with M was to introduce my expectations regarding etiquette. Following is my instruction to her:

For the most part, you have behaved wonderfully. You have been very good about following session directions. I have started to see you take some initiative in selecting shoes and clothing to please me. This makes me very happy.

Please remember the basic principles that should guide you:
Use Manners (be polite)
Provide appropriate acknowledgement
Show gratitude
Be succinct in words (not a problem for you)
When in doubt, question. When in need, request

I believe that reluctance on your part to use appropriate manners is due to some shyness or discomfort in accepting your position. We will continue to work on this.

M has responded well to these guidelines.


  1. It seems your 90 days has come to an end, I would be interested in knowing the outcome of your trial period.

  2. I have been remiss in keeping up with my narrative. After our 90 day trial, we discussed our experience and decided to continue. We are not bound by a contract at this time, but the essence of our understanding stems from the guidelines established in our first 90 days. We continue on our journey. I will add to our story very soon. Thank you to all who've shown interest.
